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Wolfgang Matthiessen Gast
Verfasst am: 28.05.2011 06:26:08 Titel: Beatszene Flensburg |
Liebe Beatfreunde,
auch die Flensburger hatten einiges zu "beaten". Wenn Ihr mehr darüber erfahren möchtet, schaut doch mal auf meiner Homepage: www.twist-shout.de vorbei. Dort findet Ihr Näheres zu meinem Buch (mit CD): "Twist & Shout - Flensburger Beatszene der Jahre 1962 bis 1972".
Beste Grüße und keep on rockin´...
Wolfgang |
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Ron Sale Offical CUX´66 correspondent GB
Anmeldungsdatum: 03.04.2006 Beiträge: 17 Wohnort: UK
Verfasst am: 13.06.2011 06:10:17 Titel: Rock and Blues in Flensburg '65 |
Hi Ralf and Hi Wolfgang
I would like to say that The High Society had a GREAT time in Flensburg in August 1965. We played in a large theatre, with a big stage, in the main street, seven days a week, for about 6 hours each night. Was it called Star Club or Tanzpalatz? At that time we had a yellow Austin van (with lots of graffitti, pen and lipstick names on it) to carry all our equipment and one day it broke down right on the tram line in the main street. Yes of course a tram came along and the driver rang his bell vigorously. So we had to push it out of the way, much to the amusement of the local people.
The young rockers who came to listen and dance were wonderful in Flensburg, and we noticed that many of them also came from over the border from Sonderborg.
We have many happy memories of Flensburg and would like to hear from anyone around at that time that may have attended any of our gigs.
We greet our friends in North Germany and Denmark.
from Ron Sale
Bass player and group leader
The High Society (from London) _________________ Group Leader and Bass Player 'The High Society' From London -The First British Band in the Magnet Bar Cuxhaven, 1965. Maybe the first British band to play in Cuxhaven, unless you know otherwise! |
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Ralf Froehlich Autor

Anmeldungsdatum: 21.10.2005 Beiträge: 366 Wohnort: Hamburg
Verfasst am: 21.06.2011 07:35:33 Titel: |
Hallo Wolfgang & Flensburg/Cuxhaven Beat-Freunde,
freue mich, dass unsere websites ab sofort verlinkt sind!
Ralf |
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