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rob0248 Newbie
Anmeldungsdatum: 07.11.2006 Beiträge: 3
Verfasst am: 08.11.2006 01:41:00 Titel: Bob Thackway. Schlagzeuger der High Society |
I have left you a message in the comments on the High Society poster page( album page 4). It really would be great to get in contact with anyone who remembers us from those times. Apart from that I am at your disposal for anything you might need from me, except money! Since Ralf and Ron got in touch yesterday, memories of Cux have been flowing back to me like a swollen river. All the best, Bob Thackway. Schlagzeuger der High Society. Wenn ihr photos von uns habt, bitte senden! |
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Ralf Froehlich Autor

Anmeldungsdatum: 21.10.2005 Beiträge: 366 Wohnort: Hamburg
Verfasst am: 09.11.2006 06:54:57 Titel: |
Hi Bob, great that you are with us!!! Thanks for your comments.
Have you already heard about March 15, 2007-Cuxhaven? That will be the great Oldie-Party-Night of launching our book, lots of live music with original 60s bands and a talk-show with "beat-VIPS". Ron and his wife will be there as well. What do you think about YOUR participation???
We only hold one other photo (not in Cuxhaven) of The High Society as a copy from Ron and several original contract-forms of the Band.
Ralf |
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Ralf Froehlich Autor

Anmeldungsdatum: 21.10.2005 Beiträge: 366 Wohnort: Hamburg
Verfasst am: 10.11.2006 02:15:29 Titel: |
Bob Thackway schreibt in unserem Album -Seite 4- zum Foto der "High Society": I am the one with the "gone out" look on my face and the lighter colored jacket. Presently I am some 15 kilos heavier and wear a "professor`s" beard (I`m only a language teacher however). I will try to find some photos from my years in Spain, where I played, among many others, with the Pop Tops: a Spanish group with a singer from Trinidad who made it big in the early seventies. I also did a lot of session (studio) work, until I comitted the stupidity of going to University and condemming myself to a life of teaching!! I still play occasionally on an amateur basis and do some songwriting. On the other hand, I promise to do my utmost to be in Cuxhaven next March for the publication of the BOOK, this is something I can`t miss out on. Will be in touch and will send you some photos etc. My friends long live Cux `66, with beer and beat, and lovely chics! Ihr damaliger und derzeitiger Freund (so hoffe ich es!), Bob Thackway |
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